Monday 27 May 2013

Robert James Miller saved at least 7 american soldiers 15 Afghan national fighters

Robert James Miller saved at least 7 american soldiers 15 Afghan national fighters, On January 25, 2008 Sergeant Miller found him­self will­ingly lead­ing a team of Afghan National Secu­rity Forces and Coali­tion sol­diers dur­ing a com­bat recon­nais­sance patrol in Kunar Province near the Pak­istan bor­der. Insur­gents hid­ing in a struc­ture attacked Miller's team. A fel­low team­mate called for close-air sup­port to drop ord­nance on the insur­gent posi­tion, dis­rupt­ing their attack. When the com­bined patrol moved toward the struc­ture to check for any remain­ing enemy threats, insur­gents again fired using heavy weapons.

Miller's team cap­tain was seri­ously wounded within the first min­utes of the attack. While his com­man­der was moved to safety, Miller returned fire. At great per­sonal risk to him­self, Miller remained at the front of the patrol and con­tin­ued to lay down sup­pres­sive fire on mul­ti­ple insur­gent posi­tions, allow­ing his wounded com­man­der to be pulled out of the line of fire, ulti­mately sav­ing his life. Miller's per­sonal courage under intense enemy fire enabled the entire patrol to gain cover and return fire. Even while injured by direct enemy small-arms and machine gun fire, Miller con­tin­ued to employ his M249 Squad Auto­matic Weapon and grenades to sup­press enemy fire and pro­tect his teammates.